
WhenIlaunchitvieAoE2DE_s.exeinmyAgeoffolderinthesteamfolder,Ihavethis:errorSteamAPI_RestartAppIfNecessary()hasbeentriggered.Aborting ...,2019年3月29日—Helloall,IrecentlyreinstalledmycopyofAOE2fromsteam.Icannotgetthegametolaunch.Ihavetried(ontwodifferentLenovo ...,Todothis,followthesesteps:OpenSteamandgotoyourLibrary.Right-clickonthegamethatisgivingyoutheerrorandselectProperties.GototheLocal .....

Age of Empires II

When I launch it vie AoE2DE_s.exe in my Age of folder in the steam folder, I have this : error SteamAPI_RestartAppIfNecessary() has been triggered. Aborting ...

AOE2 Won't Start SteamAPI_RestartAppIfNecessary()

2019年3月29日 — Hello all, I recently reinstalled my copy of AOE2 from steam. I cannot get the game to launch. I have tried (on two different Lenovo ...

steam Api Restart App If Necessary}

To do this, follow these steps: Open Steam and go to your Library. Right-click on the game that is giving you the error and select Properties. Go to the Local ...

SteamAPI.RestartAppIfNecessary() not working · Issue #197

2017年11月27日 — In my SteamManager script I have the following: if (SteamAPI.RestartAppIfNecessary((AppId_t)APPID)) Application.

SteamAPI_RestartAppIfNecessary Prevents me from ...

2019年11月17日 — Game Version: Build (32911) Platform (Steam) Issue: When I try loading from steam, it just loads and closes itself.


SteamAPI.RestartAppIfNecessary() checks if the Steam client is running, and will start it if it's not. If it returns true it starts the Steam client if required ...


try // If Steam is not running or the game wasn't started through Steam, SteamAPI_RestartAppIfNecessary starts the // Steam client and also launches this ...

Steamworks API how to prevent Unity from launching ...

2021年12月23日 — It checks if the Steam client is running, and will start it if it's not. In case you're using Steamworks.NET: SteamAPI.RestartAppIfNecessary().


Shuts down the Steamworks API, releases pointers and frees memory. You should call this during process shutdown if possible. This will not unhook the Steam ...

如何使用Steamworks.NET 原创

2020年8月24日 — The Steamworks API will not initialize if it does not know the App ID of your game. When you launch your app from Steam itself then it will ...

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